Hello to everybody who has come to my home page. I am currently a Phd. student at ESIEE in Paris. I have created this site to facilitate the access of my work. You can also find lots of informations about me.
If you want to contact me: |
My name is Laszlo Marak, but you can often meet the
ujoimro nickname over my works. I am a hungarian born in Slovakia. My
hobbies are computer science, mathematics and photography. My favourite
sports are cycling and table tennis.
After several institutions I have a Master degree from the University of Marne la Vallee (2008).
For more than half a dozen years I have been participating on the Homeland Discovering Cycle Tour in Slovakia.
In the sanguinary war of the Operanting Systems I am in favour of the penguin.
How to use this site?
was planning to create this page for a long time. I hope to upgrade it
regularly, but it is perfectly posibble, that soon I loose the interest
for something else. One way or the other, I was trying to make the site
as easy to use as possible. This site is a static standart-compliant
html page, with css enabled. Every document is put to the page in PDF and Flash format. If you are confused why these two formats, look at Preferred Tools.